[Leaving is] about replacing personal or Christian activities with time spent building relationships with people in the surrounding culture.” (p127)
When you think about some of the most intiamate activities believers can do together, you might list prayer, worship, leadership development, fellowship or communion. All these are things “believers” do. Yet, when you look at the biblical story, we find believers doing these activities in the midst of sojourners or “outsiders” all the time. (p128)
If we are going to get the fullness of this book...the fullness of the missional life, we must understand that Leaving is the first step in this incarnational process. If we are going to be the body of Jesus in our communities, we must take this step. For many people, this is the most difficult step to take. It's easy to read a book, easy to read these blog posts, easy to talk about being tangible, incarnational and missional. It's not so easy to actually "leave." In fact, when I first read the quotes above, I had a sinking feeling in my throat that made me nervous. Halter goes on to say that 99% of the miracles of Jesus and the disciples were done outside the church. That alone begs the question, "Why did He set it up that way? And how does that translate to us?"
If being missional is about being more like Jesus was when he walked this earth, then I must do what I have to in order to be more comfortable being "out there" with others. Over the past 7 years, I have grown more intentional in this process, even though I'm nowhere close to where I should be. A few weeks ago, we were in Fort Worth picking up our daughter from the grandparents, and we went to one of our favorite restaurants. We got there and one of the waiters we had gotten to know several years back was still working there and we got her section. We enjoyed dinner with a friend serving us - it was awesome! More recently I have gotten to know Lee at Burger House in League City. He has become a friend because of the time I invested when we first started eating at his restaurant. I try to be intentional about meeting neighbors outside by the mailbox - just last week, I visited with some new neighbors.
You may be saying, "Whoopee, this isn't that big of deal," and you'd be right. It's not. In the end, my intentionality helps me get to know some of the people around me. I want to know what makes them laugh, cry, jump, shout, ponder, wonder, hope, fear, celebrate and dance. Why? No reason other than that they were made in the image of God and when I see them I see Him, when I listen to them, I hear Him, and when I serve them, I am serving Him. And that stirs my soul. I'm not keeping one eye open for a chance to "share the gospel presentation" with them...I am keeping both eyes open and attempting to be the Church wherever I am and whomever I am with (or whoever, also). You see, for me, there is no church Brad or work Brad or whatever Brad...I'm just me everywhere.
How easy is it for you to "leave" the comforts of your everyday routine to meet new people or invest in relationships right in front of you? Is it easier for you to invite someone to "church" or to invite them to come alongside you in your life journey? Our "class" seems to be struggling about this time of the summer...don't give up...push through...keep the conversation going...if not here, in your own life with people you care about and who care about you...be the church!
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