Sunday, June 21, 2009

My Dad

Some of you may know my dad, but most of you probably don't. In honor of him on Father's Day, I'd like to tell you about him. As you are introduced to my dad, I hope you reflect on your dad. If you are one of the lucky adults who grew up with an incredible dad, take some time to thank God for what he passed on to you. If you weren't so lucky, and your dad sucked, I want you to know that I feel your pain. I have known enough people in your shoes, to know that it can make life difficult. No matter what kind of dad you grew up with, God wants to take all of the imperfections of your dad and be the perfect Father that all of us long for. That said, let me ramble about my dad a little bit.

My dad is a man of few words. I didn't grow up having long talks on a fishing boat, or spend weekends out in the woods together where he would teach me the life of the man. My dad and I have a connection that I really believe transcends words. I'm not making excuses for him because there have been times when I wish he had talked more and probably times when he should have talked more. Nevertheless, we had a connection that continues today. When something good happens, I want to talk to dad first. When something bad happens, I want to talk to dad first. I said he was a man of few words, not me.

My dad is a man of kind words. I told everyone this morning that my dad taught me how to be polite. All growing up, I never heard my dad say a curse word. He didn't speak ill of others, even when he had the opportunity. I think my dad's humility is what drives his kindness. For my first 12 years of life, he taught biology and math in high schools and coached. He respected his players and I never saw him belittle a student while coaching. He has never once made me feel inadequate in anything I tried. I only hope I can pass along a fraction of his kindness to my kids.

My dad is a man of loyalty. This is one of those areas where you only notice if a dad lacks it. My dad has been faithful to me, my brother and our mother. He has remained loyal when it wasn't easy and when he didn't "have" to. My dad taught me the value of keeping your word and staying committed without ever sitting down and giving me a "commitment talk." My dad is a rock.

My dad isn't perfect...none of us dads are. My relationship with my dad and I play golf together. We chat about all kinds of things that don't really matter in this world. We laugh and we joke and we make excuses...every round. He is my dad and he is my friend. If he lived closer, I'd like to hang out with him. I get to play golf with him this week when he comes to stay with us. I look forward to a round of loose shots, jokes made and maybe I'll even buy him a Smirnoff Ice (because he likes those). Here is my toast to my dad. It's really true that just about any guy in this world can check off "father" on a box, but not every guy knows how to be a "dad." Thanks Dad. I love 'bout them Cowboys?

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