Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What Kind of Person Are You Becoming?

Each of us are being transformed daily into the person we will be tomorrow from the person we are today. Day to day, this doesn't seem like a large change, but the small incremental changes over time can amount to much. When I went to college, I weighed about 155 pounds. I was a lean, fit baseball player. Today, I sit about 225 and like my bacon lean and fit is a word that makes me twitch. I didn't wake up one day and say, "I want to add 70 lbs. to my frame." It took time. It took small incremental changes in my diet and small incremental changes in my activities. Then...BAM!!!! It happened.

I realize that everyone adds weight as they shed their adolescent figures and move into adulthood. Not everyone adds what I have added and some people have added more. There are some people who actually stayed fit, or have even gotten better as the years have passed. These people were intentional. They had a plan. They had a vision of a preferred future for themselves. They saw where they were and where they were headed and made a change. They, too, made small incremental changes that lead to a better version of themselves.

Spiritually speaking, I am investing in a preferred future for me and my family. I have a preferred future for my kids that looks very different from where they are now. I want to make small changes today to hopefully dramatically change their life in 5 years or 10 years. At our church, we have identified 30 core competencies that we want to use as a guide to these small changes. I have been investing those 30 things in my life and the lives of my kids for 8 years now, and I may not be where I want to be, but I'm a lot closer to that preferred future than I was 8 years ago. My goal is to spend the next 10 years investing them into my 8 year old, so when she leaves to go to college, she will be confident in the things she believes about God, comfortable in the ways she loves God back and consistent in the character God wants to create in her. If we can manage that, then she will be better prepared to meet the challenges of college, life, career, marriage, parenthood, etc..

Do you have a preferred future for yourself? Do you have a measure for that mission? Are you clear in your pursuit of that future? Do you know the distractions for your pursuit? It's important. The stakes are high...really high.

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