What's one thing you feel you can't say in church, or around other Christians?
for example, mine would be..."I didn't pray today...yesterday...or this week"
What's yours? It can be funny, serious or whatever (you can also add why you feel that way, if you want).
I don't care....:(
testing the comments
this is boring
what your saying doesn't seem to match what you are doing...
I like Budlight, how bout you?
OK, Kevin, I'll follow suit..."Is that real wine in the decanter, or just that silly grape juice junk?"
I really thought about this question on and off today, and have had a hard time thinking of one thing in particular. But, the one thing I kept going back to was, "I'm sorry, but I really don't like *so-in-so*"...not that there is someone in particular I don't like....it's just that I know we are called to love everyone, but does that mean we have to LIKE everyone???
I'd like to have a deeper connection with the church but I can't. I don't agree with where its going. Christians don't have to be "conservative" but they don't feel comfortable asking hard ?s about the death penalty, torture or war and how these things fit into their beliefs.
I don't feel like you can ever say a negative thought or feeling at church without getting a look or negative reaction like you must be out of your mind to think or feel these things. If your really genuine about who you are, you are going to have a negative thought or feeling, even at church! It doesn't make you less of a christian, just an honest and realistic one!
I do not like that kid.
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